Monday, March 16, 2009

Through History's Lens!

Throughout the time that mankind has been on this earth, there have been civilizations; some great and some small. Why have the great ones not stood the test of time? Does it not seem that mankind continues to forget what makes us great; what makes us excel? I believe that our great nation is at a pivotal moment in time where we could REMEMBER what made us great, or we could fall. It is not some great thing. The reality of the situation is quite simple, in fact. We must REMEMBER that there is a God in Heaven! We must REMEMBER to give Him thanks for all that we have! We need to REMEMBER that mankind is meant to be free. We also need to REMEMBER how to work together again. Each part of the body works together to make one great whole. We each make up a part of this great body of our nation. Through history's lens we can see that we were once great. It is through faith, my fellow Americans, that we are able to see that we can and will be great again. All we need is action. Now let us work together, and make it so!

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