Wednesday, May 6, 2009

My Plan, Continued...

So, where do we go from here. Since My last post, which was some time ago due to nursing school, I have given much thought to what I would do. I will graduate in August when I then hope to devote every effort in support of this nation. It is one of my strongest desires to serve this great nation in a political capacity. I believe in the foundation of this country and believe we can get back there if we truly want it. I believe there are many Americans who still feel the same way. I hope they are the majority. If they are not, then we are doomed for failure with our current path and plan. If I were to serve, I would start right off the bat with a pay cut for myself and push for pay decreases for all federal politicians. I would work on 50% salary for my first term as a US Congressman. After that I would hopefully have in place a plan for a lower salary cap for all representatives. This is not about money. The will to serve should be about love of this land. That is what I have! I would next go after setting term limits for each and every branch of government, including the judicial branch. No one branch is supposed to be held above another. They are each equal and balancing in their powers; at least they were meant to be that way. Just as the president, the other two branches should be limited to 10 years maximum service in each area. If one served as a congressman for 10 years then they could serve as a senator for 10 years and the president if the people elected them to such positions. That same person could also serve as a judge for 10 years if appointed and that would be the maximum time they could serve in a federal capacity. I almost believe that is too generous but it makes each branch equal and prevents these lifelong politicians from getting too powerful and arrogant. They have become disconnected from the people and need to remember what it means to serve out of love for country and not love of money and a life of ease. I also believe in the financial plan that I stated in my previous plan post. I personally think that President Bush and President Obama and their cronies are worthy of impeachment and imprisonment for the way they have spent our money without the real consent of the people. It is a disgrace and should be a wake up call to the people that they do not care what we, the American people think. It is time to stand up for our country and our future. Our leaders know they are bankrupting us and they continue to lie right to your/my face. We can do this. Let us elect real Americans. Let us stand up and take back a land that was once filled with virtue and integrity. Let's stand for something again. I am asking for your support. I will do everything in my power to do my part. Now is the time to act, before it grows too late. Let us act for our families and our country. Together we can do anything. We are Americans!